Souxsie Lomas a Venice, California native, utilizes photography as her medium to find inspiration from her love of nature to create her work. She holds to the belief that photographs can capture more than just surface appearances. Specializing in evocative images of the living world, Souxsie mimics and adapts still-lifes to landscapes by exploring technology’s potential.   

As a photographic artist, Souxsie captures the mood of the time using highly saturated color. Her images reveal an unusual depth of color, giving them a unique look and feel. All together, her images form a vivid picture of joy she finds in nature. Souxsie’s impulse is to share her work, which is both poignant and edgy. She attempts to draw a circle of stillness around what her camera captures as a tribute to the epic landscapes that draw on her creative energies and allow for her abilities as a photographer to further blossom.    The visual drama and artistry of Souxsie’s photographs are born of a keen eye for the many moods of nature and a life-long passion for the beauty in natural surroundings. 

This passion shines throughout Souxsie’s work and the continuation of her exploration of this multidimensional world, makes it an exciting time to be a photographic artist.  
